Ha Do Law Firm with a team of lawyers having legal knowledge specializing in the field of mineral, often consult and implement procedures for the granting of Mining License, Mineral Import and Export License for enterprises.
If the enterprise has demand to draw up records for exploration license, mining license, mineral import and export license, please contact us for a free consultation and long-term cooperation.
Businesses wishing to engage in importing and exporting minerals must meet the following basic requirements:
Importing mineral:
If enterprises of all economic sectors established under the regulations of law and having suitable Business Registration Certificate, in business manufacturing operations, have demand for importing mineral, they are allowed to import or consign import mineral under the demand.
Particularly for types of ores, pure ores containing radioactive elements, the import must comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment about the State Management of goods, services especially business restrictions in accordance with law.
Exporting mineral:
Minerals allowed to export are minerals that meet the following conditions:
Enterprises are allowed to export minerals:
Records and procedures for the export of minerals:
Besides documents stipulated by Bureau of Custom, mineral exporters must produce to the border gate Customs:
Ha Do Law Company wishes to become a trusted and regular partner of valued Customers.
For advice and cooperation, please contact us.