C�ng ty lu?t TNHH H� ?�

Willful injury to another person with the injury rate was 11% in drunk then prosecuted for criminal liability?


Willful injury to another person with the injury rate was 11% in drunk then prosecuted for criminal liability?


1. Under paragraph 1 of Article 104 of the Penal Code on charges of intentionally causing injury or harm to the health of others, people who intentionally cause injury or harm to the health of others that the injury rate from 11% to 30% shall be sentenced to non-custodial reform for up to 3 (three) years or a prison term of 6 (six) months to 3 (three) years. Thus, the intentional injury to another person at the rate of 11% will be prosecuted on criminal charges of intentional injury.

2. In addition, under Article 14 of the Penal Code, the offender in the state of being intoxicated by alcohol or other strong stimulants, but must bear criminal responsibility.

3. Thus, the intentional injury to another person with the disability rate was 11% in the drunk still be criminally responsible for the crime of intentional injury.


About Me: Lê Minh Tuấn

Luật sư, Giám đốc / Lawyer, Director

Tư vấn thương mại quốc tế / International Trade Consultant

Điện thoại: (024) 730 86 999 / Mobi: 090 45 45 299

Email: infor@hado-law.com / Email: infor.ssv@gmail.com